Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Whiskey-A-Nogo Exclusive BF Radio Interview

I had the opportunity to interview JP Hustle from Bieber Fever Radio, a new online radio program based in Las Vegas, Nevada.
*ATTN BANDS!* Contact them at the information below, send them your music!!! 
Here’s my 20-question interview w/ JP:
1- introduce yourself, where you’re from and where you live now. 
My name is JP Hustle I live in the United States in Las Vegas Nevada 
2- introduce your radio show 
My Radio Show is called Bieber Fever Radio at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bieberfeverradio. We are brand new pop music/entertainment show. You can also find us on blogger at http://bieberfeverradio.blogspot.com/ and at Bieber Fever Radio on YouTube. The new website BieberFeverRadio.com will be up next week. 
3- explain your role there, and a ‘typical day’ at the station. 
Wow..My role is real hectic at the moment since just getting this show off the ground. I wear a lot of different hats from advertising, running the websites and blog, writing the show..as well as hosting it. 
4- what sets your radio show apart from all the others? 
What really sets us apart is I am putting a lot of detail into selecting many different people and personalities to be involved. I think that way you get a bunch of different characters entertaining you. People are different in humour, taste, ideas, even cultures. So I try to bring as much variety to everything we put together. 
5- how (and when) did the show start? 
The show is really in its infancy I just started it 2 weeks ago. I have been messing around with a lot of different formats of show. And this just seemed to click and make sense…so we said lets do it 
6- if you were to go back ten years, what would you change? 
That’s a great question. I think I would of followed my artistic side way more than I chose to. I always felt a little wary of chasing that dream but never to late to start. 
7- share with us a few inspirations that keep you going. 
I have this desire to create deep inside of me. I love to experiment with things to see if it will take hold. Im the guy who goes into the pub and looks around to play the jukebox to the crowd in the room. 
8- most favorite thing about your job 
At this moment it’s the challenge of getting this project off the ground to the point were its not as much about building it and more about content of it. 
9- least favorite thing about your job 
Going through all the different people to find the right fit for all the creativity aspects on the show. 
10- do you do this full time? 
I have several other shows and projects that I also run. But at this moment this is my love and I put the most time into it right now. 
11- who would you compare yourself to? 
I think I am a cross between PT Barnum the American Circus Entertainer and John Lennon. You know a lot of high energy leading you to the show..but with a lot of spirituality and emotion. 
12- first thing that comes to mind when I say ‘payola’.. 
I wish at this point someone would pay me to play their music..We are broke 
13- did you ever see the movie ‘Pirate Radio’? 
Its weird you mention that movie..Yea I have seen it..Great film..The other day I was driving in my car thinking to myself we are kinda in a position to do that. 
14- goals for the next 12 months 
To build a loyal group of followers that we can entertain. Not just on the radio, but also through our blogs, new website (which will be up next week), and also on our you tube station. It would be awesome for this to get to that point. 
15- goals for the next 12 years 
Wow…12 years..I don’t even know what im going to have for breakfast. We are in Carpe Diem Mode right now. So I am just taking it as it comes. 
16- any words of advice for other up-and-comers? 
Find like minded people to work with or people who are passionate about what you are doing. It will make it so much easier to accomplish your goals if you have a good team. 
17- can we stream the show online? 
Our show is all online at the moment…Its on blog talk right at the moment..I am just waiting for the website to be up..as soon as the website is up and running it will be embedded there. 
18- do you accept any artist to submit their music? 
Absolutely..I have all kinds of bands/acts sending me their tracks..As soon as the network gets set up and solid I plan on doing shows where we showcase their music. My vision is to put them on the air and let people get to hear from them and what they like. So anybody out their up and coming..send us your tracks 
19- how do you select the music? 
Its mostly pop music at the moment..Its whatever I hear and im like that’s cool I like that. No boundries on the music Britain, US, whatever is clever. 
20- if you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do? 
I use to live in Ireland back in the early 80s and I loved it. If I could go anywhere Id go there and have a pint by the liffey

Full Interview At the Link Below

Whiskey A Nogo Interviews Us

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